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The story of Honvédszakszervezet

Hosz  |  2004. 10. 05., 10:27

The Military Trade Union was established from 7 local societies and 56 individual members, altogether about 300 activ and retired soldiers under the name of Soldiers\' Protective of Interests League in Budapest,  on 14 September, 1991.

In the first years of its work the League fought for its legitimate and social acceptance, in a rather hostile medium. Day by day the founder members and their followers were threatened, open or hidden pressure was exercised by the Ministry of Defence and the political and military management of the general staff, in short it fought for its life and surviving.

In the interest of  efficiency of the protective of interests of work and to enlarge the collective protective of interests titles,  on 29-30 September the delegation meeting decided to turn into a trade union in order to represent the protection of interests  of soldiers sharper . The Military Trade Union came into being as the legal successor of Soldiers\' Protective of Interests League, so the first military protective of interests  union established which was coming from below and it had exclusively individual members. The first and maybe the most important task of the newly established union was to manage the most favourable  regulation, the tiles, the allowances to be represented and protect for the soldiers and  the military protective of interests leagues in the service law which was under preparation.

Despite the serious political threat and permanent stress, with long and tiring union work and lobby we could reach that a modern, Europian-level service law was accepted by the parliament. The 1996/XLIII  law regulated beside the constitutional state of soldiers,  the constitutionsl state of the  professional effective force who serves at other military and orderdefense organization, either. This law was in force for only a short time, because in December, 2001 the parliament accepted the 2000/XCV law of the constitutional state of the professional and contractual soldiers. In the new law the achievements of the service law were managed to save with difficulties, the rights of the trade union were also untouched, but at the same time an entirely new progress system was introduced together with a salary system.

The service law points out the rights and obligations of  the professional and contractual soldiers, among them the collective protective of interests in the army, too. In terms of law the soldier has the right to create a  representative  of interests and a protective of interests organizations or join any of them in order to represent his interests and defence. The trade union titles are the following: the inquiry right, the representative right, the controlling and protesting right, the agrrement right(in the respect of the ethical codex). The trade union may organize mass demonstrations in order to reach his tasks, but soldiers have not got the right to go on a strike.

The law regulates the commanders and leaders\' rights and obligations in terms of protection of interests. Within a range they must work with the trade union, inform about the affairs of the effective force, allow working hours-reduction for the executives, ensure a room and possibility for trade union programmes in the service place and in the service time. These are the most essential aims why the Military Trade Union has established. The main task of the trade union is to represent  the interests  and the defence of the individual and collective employee, be expressed within the national defence sphere, to the national social and public  organizations, in front of the wide public opinion.

The work of the trade union covers the essential civic, employee social and cultural rights and the interests of defense of the soldiers as uniformed citizens.

The member of the trade union has been increasing dinamically. After the Congress II the number of 3500 people has already surpassed the 10,000 persons, meanwhile the number of the army has been reducing.

The membership fee is 0,6 per cenr of the gross base salary for the active members, the retired pay a fixed fee (200 fts) a month. The fee is the two third of the annual budget of the union. The trade union oprates a legal advice sevice for the members\' legal defence, a foundation for public use to wide its social connections, it has founded and oprated an eterprise co-operative to enlarge its sevice and improve its financial position.

The Military Trade Union work independently from the political and military management, working together with the national and foreign partners and other civil organizations, having a respect for the party and non-denominational principles.

The Military Trade Union has been the member with full powers of EUROMIL, on the basis an official co-operation agreement it is in partnership with the Holland AFMP-FNV, a military trade union founded in Europe the most previously, it closely cooperates with the organizations of the military production of interests of the Visegrád Four member-states.

 The Military Trade Union as a partner organization of the Military and Orderdefense Workers Protective of Interests League has been taking part in the nationwide trade union movement since 1991. Through the MOWPIL the representation of soldiers has appeared in the nationwide conciliation of interests in the Nationwide Civil Sevice Conciliation Council since 2002. Inside the department of national defence the Military Trade Union is the only representative organization, which represents the interests of the professional and contractual soldiers, as well as the retired in the co-operation with the Comrade Association Nationwide League in the meetings of the National Defence Conciliation of Interests Forum.


The Congress III of  the trade union was organized in Zánka in November, 2003. The public decided on significant reforms from the point of view of structure and operation of the organization, the different decisive and executive corporations, organizations were transformed. The trade union arranged its structure to the demands of our time by extending the management with proffesional managers and defining the range of duties of decisive and executive corporations. The trade union took significant steps for one of the basic demands, in the direction of the professionalism. The modification of the Fundamental Rules and the Program makes it possible that the Military Trade Union can be to the highest degree independent from its employers and become a modern protective of interests measured with a Europian scale in the next congressional term.


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