for other persons who are experts in security- and defence policy and publish in European military and other media.
EMPA - offers
Forum for Information and Communication Exchange of experience Exchange of media
Principles of EMPA
When fullfilling its tasks, EMPA adopts the basic idea of the Council of Europe, which was founded in 1949 with the following aim:"Its aim shall be to form a greater unity for the purpose of realising the ideals and principles of the common European heritage and for the purpose of encouraging the political, economic, and social progress. These aims shall be achieved by means of consultations, agreements and co-operative action in the fields of economic, social cultural, scientific, legal, and administrative affairs as well as by preserving and achieving human rights and fundamental freedoms."Embedded in the idea of a common Europe, EMPA intends to be a forum for the permanent exchange of ideas between military journalists and media representatives, and wants to contribute to strengthening peace in freedom, ensuring security and defence readiness being inextricably linked therewith.
EMPA - aims
Support the work of the membersFacilitate the establishment of contact between its members
Offering opportunities for an exchange of informationAssistance in gaining access to foreign military information
Promotion of the understanding for the security policy and general policies of other countriesPromotion of the knowlidge of armed forces
Organizing common events on-site.Code of Conduct for Members of the European Military Press Association (EMPA)(Basics of military prees work) 1. Freedom of the Media
To secure the right of free speech and information, full freedom of media is to be upheld in all of Europe. According to Art. 11, para 2 of the "Convention for the protection of human rights and basic liberties", freedom of the media entails obligations and rights.
2. Editors and Journalists
Print media and other media are carriers of communication in society. The public has a right to access this information, and those responsible in the media (editors, publishers and journalists) are obligated to report objectively and truthfully. They jointly carry the responsibility for the freedom of media, which is essential in any democracy. This also applies to those responsible in military media work.
3. Military Media Work
The basics of journalistic work are essentially the same in the civilian and in the military field. Therefore, those those working in the military media are under the same obligations and protective measures as those working in the civilian media. To maintain peace in liberty is a precious good. To protect this value, a high level of military commitments is needed, and must be supported through qualified journalistic work.
4. Responsibility of Journalists
To be a jornalist means to carry responsibility in one\'s own concience, for the public and the respective medium. Therefore, accuracy of research and reporting are prime obligations of a journalist. The obligation towards correctness excludes actions through which third parties could influence both content and form of information. In general, the code of conduct of the representative national associations of journalists must be observed. This in particular applies to the principle that any discrimination based on ethnic groups (race), religion (belief), nation or other factors is inadmissible, and that personal interests must not influence journalistic work in any way.For the journalists in the military media, the following stipulations apply in particular: The freedom of admissible information and the right to voice criticism and opinion (commentaries) must also be upheld for those who work in military media.The work of journalists and publishers in military media is free within the boundaries set by the guidelines issued by the publisher, and by the security regulations concerning serecy.EMPA members herewith undertake to adhere to the above principles.EMPA shall take special interest in the safeguarding of the above principles by and for the protection of its members.
Downloadable documents:
Rules of procedure of the EMPA BoardApplication form for Membership (ENG)
Antrag auf Mitgliedschaft (GER)