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2008-as kongresszus

Hosz  |  2008. 10. 01., 15:25

Dear EMPA member,it is my pleasure to invite you hereby to the European Military Press Association (EMPA) Congress 2008 organized by State Agency “Tēvijas sargs” in collaboration with the Ministry of Defense and the National Armed Forces of the Republic of Latvia. The Congress will be held from 9 September to 13 September 2008 in Riga, Latvia.If you decide to participate, please return the registration form to the e-mail address redakcija@sargs.lv until 1 July 2008. Find the preliminary program, the registration form and hotel booking form enclosed.Should you require further details, please do not hesitate to contact Vineta ?ilinska via vineta.zilinska@sargs.lv; telephone number 00371 67114789, mobile phone number 00 371 29477095.Yours faithfully,

Līga Laku?aState Agency “Tēvijas sargs”2/4 Jeruzalemes StreetRiga, LV-1010Latvia


European Military Press Association Congress 2008

9th September - 13st September, 2008


Tuesday, 9 September, 2008

Participant/EMPA member  programme

Spouses programme


Activity and location



Activity and location


08:00 — 18:00

Arrival and registration,

„Reval Hotel Latvia”

Bus from Airport to Hotel

08:00 — 19:00

Arrival and registration,

„Reval Hotel Latvia”

Bus from Airport to Hotel

10:00 — 12:00

EMPA Board meeting, „Reval Hotel Latvia”

Only for Board members


Gathering and departure for Riga Latvian Society House


Gathering and departure for Riga Latvian Society House


Official photographing


Official photographing


Opening Ceremony

Reception at the Riga Latvian Society House hosted by State Secretary of MOD


Opening Ceremony

Reception at the Riga Latvian Society House hosted by State Secretary of MOD


Departure for „Reval Hotel Latvia”


Departure for „Reval Hotel Latvia”

Dress code: uniform/dark suit                                            Dress code: uniform/dark suit

Wednesday, 10 September, 2008

Participant/EMPA member  programme

Spouses programme


Activity and location



Activity and location



Gathering and departure for Sigulda


Gathering and departure for Sigulda

9:30 — 13:30

Sightseeing tour to Sigulda




— 13:30

Sightseeing tour to Sigulda



14:00 — 15:30

Lunch, Restaurant „Kungu rija”


— 15:30

Lunch, Restaurant „Kungu rija”


Departure for „Reval Hotel Latvia”


Departure for „Reval Hotel Latvia”

16:30 — 17:30

Private time

16:30 — 17:30

Private time


Departure for Recreation center „Lido”


Departure for Recreation center „Lido”


Dinner at Recreation center „Lido”


Dinner at Recreation center „Lido”


Departure for „Reval Hotel Latvia”


Departure for „Reval Hotel Latvia”

Dress code: casual                                                              Dress code: casual

Thursday, 11 September, 2008

Participant/EMPA member  programme

Spouses programme


Activity and location



Activity and location



Gathering at „Reval Hotel Latvija” reception **


Gathering and departure for bread bakery “Lāèi” **

9:00 — 10:00

EMPA General meeting, „Reval Hotel Latvija” conference room

9:00 — 12:00

Visit to bread bakery “Lāèi”

10:00 — 10:30

Coffee brake

12:00 — 13:30

Lunch, coffeehouse „Lāèi”


Presentation “Latvia as the boarder country of Schengen zone”


Departure for Rural municipality of Slampe, Tukums region,

Cinevilla Backlot

10:40 — 12:00

Discussions, „Reval Hotel Latvija” conference room

14:00 — 16:00

Visit of Cinevilla Backlot, shots from feature film „Defenders of Riga”

12:30 — 14:00

Lunch,  “Reval Hotel Latvia”


Departure for „Reval Hotel Latvia”


Walk for the Museum of Occupation of Latvia

14:15 — 16:00

Visit to the Museum of Occupation of Latvia


Walk to the „Reval Hotel Latvija”

16:30 — 18:30

Private time

16:30 — 18:30

Private time


Gathering and departure for Latvian National Opera ***


Gathering and departure for Latvian National Opera ***


“Latvijas Gāze” Year award for achievements in opera and ballet art

Reception at the Latvian National Opera

Joint stock Company “Latvijas Gāze” is one of the largest and oldest companies in Latvia. Its foundation being laid in the distant year 1862 when the first gas factory in Latvia started operations in Riga. Today “Latvijas Gāze” is a private company, the shareholders of which are the leading gas companies of the world.


“Latvijas Gāze” Year award for achievements in opera and ballet art

Reception at the Latvian National Opera

Joint stock Company “Latvijas Gāze” is one of the largest and oldest companies in Latvia. Its foundation being laid in the distant year 1862 when the first gas factory in Latvia started operations in Riga. Today “Latvijas Gāze” is a private company, the shareholders of which are the leading gas companies of the world.


Departure for „Reval Hotel Latvia”


Departure for „Reval Hotel Latvia”

Dress code: uniform/jacket**                                             Dress code: casual**

Dress code: uniform/dark suit***                                      Dress code: uniform/dark suit***

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